Located in Oklahoma City, OK 405-672-6688
Affordable and Hassle-Free BHA Services
Reliable Bottom Hole Assembly Service
Taking care of your BHA components will give you the confidence you need to drill more efficiently and lower your drilling costs. Look no further and rely on the expertise of Star Pipe Service and our trained specialist's to take care of your bottom hole assembly. Our inspectors have special training and are ASNT certified.
Star Pipe Service has all the equipment and know how to take care of your BHA components.
Drill collars
Specialty tools
Monel material
Heavy weight/Flexweight drill pipe
Pony collars
Pup joints
80 years of
combined experience
Providing an array of Service Options
Drill Collars and Components
Category 1
Visual connection
Visual elevator groove
Category 2
Visual connection
Visual elevator groove
Blacklight connection
Category 3 - 5
Visual connection
Visual elevator groove
Blacklight connection
Dimensional 3*
Flexweight (HWDP) Drill Pipe
Category 1
Visual tube
Visual connection
Category 2
Visual tube
Visual connection
Blacklight connection
Category 3 - 5
Visual tube
Visual connection
Blacklight connection
Dimensional 3*
MPI slip/Upset area
* Dimensional 3 measurements
Drill Collars and Components
Box OD
Pin ID
Box C-Bore diameter
Box C-Bore depth
Pin stress relief groove diameter and width
Box boreback diameter and length
Bevel diameter box and pin
Box seal width
Pin length
Pin base length
Shoulder flatness
Profile gage threads
* Dimensional 3 measurements
Flexweight (HWDP) Drill Pipe
Same Measurements as drill collars plus:
Tong Space
Center wearpad diameter
Hoisting Tools and Miscellaneous Equipment
Our competent employees at Star Pipe Service have the know how to inspect all kinds of different equipment and drilling components.
We offer certificates of inspections which can help satisfy your insurance companies safety concerns about your drilling rig.
Star Pipe Service can inspect the following:
Top drives
Traveling blocks
Fluid ends
Brake bands
Monel material
Swivel mandrels
Swivel box
Swivel sub
Kelly (Full length)
Kelly cock
Kelly spinner
Substructures and more
NDT inspection techniques employed may be:
Visual - Dimensional
Magnaglo - Zyglo
Dye penetrant
Magnetic particle
REMEMBER: It is essential that painted equipment first be sandblasted for the kind of inspection desired.
NOTE: Some equipment may require full breakdown for certificates of inspection.
So... when in doubt about your equipment, let "Star Pipe" check it out.